Winter in Cape Town > Episode 2 “The Creatures”

Some of my friends (ok actually just one annoying one) is always teasing me i blog too much about my cats (cat-hater). But i do so adore them, and love taking photo’s of them, I just about need to buy another Terabyte external hard-drive to store them all....

Winter in Cape Town > Episode 2 “The Creatures”

Some of my friends (ok actually just one annoying one) is always teasing me i blog too much about my cats (cat-hater). But i do so adore them, and love taking photo’s of them, I just about need to buy another Terabyte external hard-drive to store them all....

Winter in Cape Town 2013

I decided to put together a little collection of my favorite photographs I took over this Winter (except the one with me in it obviously). Of course there are also a few of my other 2 furry children, snuggled up warm, but I’m keeping those for a separate post...

Cape Town SNOW the day before Spring :)

Well it certainly has turned out to be an eventful winter this 2013 if you live in Cape town. First there was the insane Hail storm that some are still arguing was actually snow? Everyone with a smart phone was suddenly the director of a You Tube video. Then just a...