CATOGRAPHY…well thats what I’m naming it

I love cats, I mean I LOVE cats… I also love photography, so this was one of the most fun & deeply satisfying things I’ve done. Its my first real attempt at what I’ve decided to name “Catography”, ie. beautiful kitty pics…hey...

Winter in Cape Town > Episode 2 “The Creatures”

Some of my friends (ok actually just one annoying one) is always teasing me i blog too much about my cats (cat-hater). But i do so adore them, and love taking photo’s of them, I just about need to buy another Terabyte external hard-drive to store them all....

Winter in Cape Town > Episode 2 “The Creatures”

Some of my friends (ok actually just one annoying one) is always teasing me i blog too much about my cats (cat-hater). But i do so adore them, and love taking photo’s of them, I just about need to buy another Terabyte external hard-drive to store them all....