Constantia Fresh – Ooooh the flowers

Last Saturday, 28 February, we went to the 2015 Constantia Fresh festival. I had been eagerly anticipating this year’s event for 364 days since I went to the 2014 one. Let me say, it didn’t disappoint!! (not that i thought it would). I am going to keep my...

Flower PORN

To use the word “porn” in an alternative to the #Hashtag function is the new black Using the word “PORN” anywhere in your blog or website will also immediately attract lots of traffic to your site. Not necessarily the traffic you want, but its...

The Bulb-y things we planted?

So as I was saying previously, “Wow the shit thats going down in my garden, being spring and all, …I spent a good few minutes stretched out in awkward positions amidst sand & bricks in the fading afternoon sunlight yesterday, attempting to capture some...