Constantia Fresh 2015

So, as I was saying in the post just before this, Constantia Fresh is the most awesome wine event of the year! If you haven’t been to one yet, well you simply have no idea of the fun you’ve missed. I was fortunate enough to crack an invite last year and...

Constantia Fresh – Ooooh the flowers

Last Saturday, 28 February, we went to the 2015 Constantia Fresh festival. I had been eagerly anticipating this year’s event for 364 days since I went to the 2014 one. Let me say, it didn’t disappoint!! (not that i thought it would). I am going to keep my...


On a recent West Coast road trip I took these. I was actually hoping to find Nguni cows as they have more interesting markings but only managed to find the abundant Jersey cows on a farm just outside Riebeek Kasteel. Oh well, there’ll just have to be another...

New Year, New goals

The last sunset of 2013 For once i didnt feel any regret as I watched the sun go down on Camps Bay beach, a glass of good wine in hand, and good company, as i bid farewell to another eventful & challenging year. I had set a lot of quite ambitious goals for myself...